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Activity for Olin Lathrop‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #292215 Post edited:
8 months ago
Edit Post #292215 Initial revision 8 months ago
Answer A: Search & Probability
Is there a way we can "remedy" this No, not without additional information. If you truly do not know anything about the location of the lost object other than it is not in any of the squares you searched, then there is always an equal chance of it being in each of the unsearched squares. How a...
8 months ago
Comment Post #291661 @#83192 Unfortunately the LaTeX isn't rendered in the edit history, so I can't see what that post looked like before and after the edit. If all he did was fix formatting, then I don't see a problem unless you have a reason you think your thoughts are better presented before the edit. In that case, ...
10 months ago
Comment Post #291660 @#83192 Fixing obvious errors isn't disrespectful. I certainly meant no disrespect when editing your post. We all make mistakes. Occasional simple typos are no big deal. I've had others edit my posts to fix them, and never considered it an affront or some kind of insult. My thought is usually *"...
10 months ago
Comment Post #291661 @#83192 *if you impose quality, those that can't or don't want to achieve it, won't write* - That's a Good Thing. However, that's not what your issue is about. The mechanism you object to doesn't "impose quality" on you. That is judged and dealt with other ways, by voting, closing, flagging, and...
10 months ago
Comment Post #291660 @#83192 The only reason you saw my edit as a request as apposed to an outright change is that I don't have the edit privilege on this site yet. It was not my intent to make a request. That was imposed by the system. I agree, edits shouldn't change author intent or style. But there are often cas...
10 months ago
Edit Post #291660 Post edited:
Fixed obvious typo
10 months ago
Comment Post #291660 I just edited your post to correct an obvious typo. You wrote "it is no my answer anymore", when you clearly meant "it is not my answer anymore". It would noise up the site and be more work for multiple people if I first had to leave a comment, then wait for you to fix your mistake, then have a m...
10 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #291660 Suggested edit:
Fixed obvious typo
helpful 10 months ago
Comment Post #290493 Whoever downvoted this, please explain. I'm not seeing the problem. More could have been said (that's always the case), but what exactly do you think is wrong or badly written?
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #290493 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Answer A: Picking 20 different numbers, in the same draw $\;$ vs. $\;$ picking 10 different numbers, in 2 different draws.
Does Pr (probability) of winning jackpot differ between 1. picking 20 different #s, for the same draw vs. 2. picking 10 different #s, for 2 different draws ? Yes. Consider the limiting case where there are only 20 possible choices. Playing all 20 numbers guarantees a win. Playing 10 out of 2...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289773 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289773 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Solely by eye, how can 16 year olds visually distinguish $\color{red}{\vec{b} - \vec{r}}$ from $\color{limegreen}{|\vec{b}| - |\vec{r}|}$ ?
Use two diagrams. What you have is too cluttered and busy to be useful. I had to look at it a while before understanding what you are trying to show. What you are really trying to illustrate is the difference between how vectors and scalars subtract. Show one diagram for the difference between ...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289538 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: How can I choose a point from a uniform distribution within a regular polygon?
Any convex polygon can be trivially tiled into triangles. Choose any point on the boundary or inside the polygon and draw lines from there to all the vertices. This point can be one of the vertices. It can also be the origin in your case. It doesn't matter what point is picked. Find the area o...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #289533 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Answer A: Without trial and error, how can I effortlessly deduce all $n, k_i ∈ ℕ ∋ \binom n {k_1, k_2, ..., k_n} =$ given c?
I prefer to pick integers &ge;32 to boost my probability of winning That's silly. All combinations of numbers have the same chance of winning. &lt;Soapbox&gt; You've asked a bunch of questions here that indicate you are trying to find a scheme to win the lottery. There isn't one. On...
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288820 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288820 Post edited:
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288820 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Criteria for solvable Minesweeper game?
Minesweeper is a computer game that works on a rectangular grid of squares. Initially, all the squares are shown blank. A known number of "mines" are distributed under the squares, but their locations are unknown to the player. The object of the game is to uncover all the squares by flagging each ...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #288101 Yes, and that seems rather strange, but the law is sometimes unintuitive. If I buy some arbitrary item for 5 dollars and you immediately take it from me, it seems a reasonable argument that you deprived me of 5d. If it was an ice cream cone and I let it sit and melt and you took the remains an hour...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288101 This seems like more of a legal question than a mathematical one.
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288048 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Answer A: How can disabled users not be scorned for their disabilities?
Good posts are good, and bad posts are bad. It doesn't really matter why they were written that way. Anyone that usually writes good posts is welcome here. Anyone that usually writes bad posts is not. Again, it doesn't matter why. The reason we don't like bad posts is because they degrade th...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #287999 @#36356 I agree that what you're saying is effectively the case, but only because the linear approximation is quite good for small numbers of tickets relative to the odds of winning. If each ticket is guaranteed to have a unique number, then it is truly linear. But then only a fixed number can be s...
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287999 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Answer A: How do I compare lotteries' chances of winning jackpot, when they differ in the maximum number of plays?
Do the odds below factor in each lottery's different maximum (number of) plays? Or are these odds calculated for merely 1 play? You'd have to ask each lottery, but usually such published odds are the chance of any one ticket winning. That appears to be the case here too. Does each lottery's di...
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287973 Yes you do. When you ask *here*, information pertinent to the question needs to be *here*. Links can be used for background information, but any question here needs to be understandable and answerable without following links. This question was correctly closed as *unclear* since you didn't define ...
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287973 This question makes no sense since you don't define what your expectations are of "d". If A changes to B, then there certainly is a value D where A + D = B. You seem to have some expectations about D, but since you didn't state them, your premise in the question is false. -1 since this should have ...
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287960 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Answer A: At what jackpot minimum is playing Lottario rational?
This can't be answered with the information shown. -1 because that really should have been obvious. First, you need to know the cost of acquiring one of those 4,072,530 chances. For simplicity, you could say that's the price of a ticket. If the cost of entry were free, then the expected value o...
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287674 Since this Kaktovik numerals system is central to your question, you should include at least a brief introduction. Links should be for background and supporting information, not essential information.
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287820 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Answer A: Finding a quadratic that has solutions to given values
If you only have one X-Y pair to meet, then a constant fits the specs perfectly: &nbsp; &nbsp; f(x) = K If it has to meet two X-Y pairs, then a line does it: &nbsp; &nbsp; f(x) = K1x + K2 A quadratic can hit three points: &nbsp; &nbsp; f(x) = K1x2 + K2x + K3 This is also known as a ...
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287193 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: How can 3/1 ≡ 1/(1/3), when left side features merely integers, but right side features a repetend?
Your equations express rational numbers, and are correct. Just because in some numbering systems some of these rational numbers can't be represented with finite notation doesn't in any way invalidate the equations.
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287178 Post edited:
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287178 Post edited:
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287178 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: How to calculate remaining volume of a wire spool
The relative volumes of cylinders with the same height are proportional to the square of their diameter. Hopefully you can see this is true without further explanation. The relative volume of wire on a full spool is therefore &nbsp; &nbsp; D2 - Dempty2 Now take the ratio of the current to ...
over 2 years ago