Finding a quadratic that has solutions to given values
Hi, i wanted to see if there is an algorithm for finding/approximating a quadratic formula that resulted in (at least one) wanted value
i remember finding a math.stackexchange post long time ago about the quadratic that results in (pi,e), in one of the answers suggested was a method to approximate with a given computer program that searched in a specific range..but i couldn't find it again
anyways any help would be appriciated.
1 answer
If you only have one X-Y pair to meet, then a constant fits the specs perfectly:
f(x) = K
If it has to meet two X-Y pairs, then a line does it:
f(x) = K1x + K2
A quadratic can hit three points:
f(x) = K1x2 + K2x + K3
This is also known as a "second order" polynomial. Each additional order allows the function to hit one more point exactly (within some limits, like they all have to have different X values).
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