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Activity for Derek Elkins‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #293347 I assume you're assuming $f$ is analytic, i.e. can be defined by a convergent Taylor series, otherwise it's easy to come up with counterexamples. Furthermore, I assume you're assuming $f$ is invertible, e.g. the $\sin$ function is analytic but clearly many values map to $0$. Alternatively, you'd prob...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #293102 We're unioning sets of axioms, not combining models. Having two models that give different assignments to propositional variables (which is what I meant by "conflicting") doesn't mean that there's a contradiction. Even for the same set of axioms we can have multiple models, e.g. there are at least th...
3 months ago
Comment Post #293102 To answer the question in your first footnote (which seems to be missing some words, but I believe the intent is clear enough): The statement says what it says, which is that each finite subset has a model. There is no assumption that there is one model that will work for every finite subset, though ...
3 months ago
Edit Post #293102 Post edited:
TeXify. Remove set-theory tag. Change footnotes into real footnotes, which may not be an improvement. Break the text into paragraphs, though it can probably be done better or more in line with the original source.
3 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #293102 Suggested edit:
TeXify. Remove set-theory tag. Change footnotes into real footnotes, which may not be an improvement. Break the text into paragraphs, though it can probably be done better or more in line with the original source.
helpful 3 months ago
Comment Post #293102 This looks like a compactness theorem, not a completeness theorem.
3 months ago
Edit Post #293013 Initial revision 3 months ago
Answer A: How to validate if the horizontal and vertical tangent lines exist for implicit functions?
Answering your questions a bit out of order, I'll start with the "non-rigorousness" of talking about $dx$ by itself. While this seems to be commonly poorly explained, the derivative (of a function from and to reals) is an operation that takes functions to functions. Let's consider the typical high sc...
3 months ago
Edit Post #292410 Post edited:
fix typo I introduced, cap -> cup, tweak title, remove symm tag
6 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #292410 Suggested edit:
fix typo I introduced, cap -> cup, tweak title, remove symm tag
helpful 6 months ago
Edit Post #292410 Post edited:
Correct typo and formatting errors, also ^{\prime} -> '
6 months ago
Edit Post #292418 Initial revision 6 months ago
Answer A: Why $\gamma\cdot\operatorname{grad}u<0$ in the Theorem? (Nirenberg academic paper)
As the proof of Theorem 2 suggests, this follows immediately from Theorem 2.1. While it's a bit ambiguously worded, to apply Theorem 2.1, we need $b1(x)=0$ in $\Delta u + b1(x)u{x1} + f(u) = 0$, $u > 0$ in $\Omega$, $u = 0$ on a part of $\partial\Omega$, and some basic continuity conditions. The assu...
6 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #292410 Suggested edit:
Correct typo and formatting errors, also ^{\prime} -> '
helpful 6 months ago
Edit Post #292320 Post edited:
7 months ago
Edit Post #292320 Initial revision 7 months ago
Answer A: Reflection in the plane with polar coordinates
Perhaps the simplest way to get the formula is to think geometrically. Let's say we wanted to reflect a point $x=(r\cos\theta,r\sin\theta)$ across the $x$-axis. In that case, we can simply negate $\theta$ giving $(r\cos(-\theta),r\sin(-\theta))=(r\cos\theta,-r\sin\theta)$ as expected. If we wan...
7 months ago
Edit Post #292225 Post edited:
Formatting and minor typo fixes and grammar tweaks. Backslashes sometimes need to be escaped leading to things like \\\\ for \\.
7 months ago
Edit Post #292231 Initial revision 7 months ago
Answer A: Complex functions and inner product $\langle \frac{\partial f}{\partial z} , g\rangle $
There are multiple issues with how you compute the exponent of $r$. The first issue is you compute $r^{j-1}r^k = r^{j+k}$ rather than $r^{j+k-1}$. You compound this error when you substitute $j = k+1$ into $r^{j+k}$ (which should be $r^{j+k-1}$) in the formula for $\left\langle\frac{\partial f}...
7 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #292225 Suggested edit:
Formatting and minor typo fixes and grammar tweaks. Backslashes sometimes need to be escaped leading to things like \\\\ for \\.
helpful 7 months ago
Edit Post #292202 Initial revision 7 months ago
Answer A: Find the value of $\sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{k^2}{k!}$
This answer is, in some ways, "just" a rephrasing of the power series answer by Snoopy, but the broader perspective and name-dropping the relevant tools may be useful. The relevant tool being generating functions. While not the best book on the topic, Herbert Wilf's generatingfunctionology is at l...
7 months ago
Comment Post #292189 $\lg$ (versus $\log$) is commonly used for the base 2 logarithm, though it is certainly isn't unambiguous. I've never seen $\operatorname{ld}$ or $\operatorname{lb}$ used for this, so it seems like a terrible choice for clarity. $\log_2$ is, of course, unambiguous.
7 months ago
Comment Post #291919 Answering for Peter Taylor, it's a rotation matrix. You could derive it, as you could any matrix, by considering a rotation operator and computing where it sends basis vectors. In this case, you could compute that the vector $(1,0)$ gets sent to $(\cos\alpha,\sin\alpha)$ by a (counter-clockwise) rota...
8 months ago
Edit Post #291823 Initial revision 9 months ago
Answer A: Interpreting $\text{Prop}$ in Set
Not asserting an axiom only broadens the class of possible models. Unless you're adding an axiom that states that the type theory is definitively not proof irrelevant, any proof irrelevant model is still a model. Whether or not proof irrelevance is assumed would only matter if it excluded some model,...
9 months ago
Edit Post #291617 Post edited:
Make more legible and grammatical.
9 months ago
Comment Post #291588 Maybe I don't understand what you intend with the notation, but ${+}^{-1}(U)$ is a subset of $V \times V$ and so definitely isn't in $\mathcal T_k$.
9 months ago
Comment Post #291617 $\alpha$ and $\beta$ need to be homomorphisms of the entropic structure. Presumably, this means $\alpha(x \odot y) = \alpha(x) \odot \alpha(y)$. $x^2$ doesn't seem like a homomorphism for the entropic structure you defined. That is, $(x + 2y)^2 = x^2 + 4xy + 4y^2 \neq x^2 + 2y^2$ even mod $3$.
9 months ago
Suggested Edit Post #291617 Suggested edit:
Make more legible and grammatical.
helpful 9 months ago
Edit Post #291652 Initial revision 9 months ago
Answer A: Why does the method of separating variables work?
I don't think there's a satisfying answer to this question currently. The very first problem &ndash; which is probably surprising &ndash; is that there isn't a widely accepted, general definition of "separation of variables". An obvious approach to studying separation of variables would be to appl...
9 months ago
Comment Post #291500 I simply substituted in the value for $\beta$.
10 months ago
Comment Post #291500 $\mathbf s\cdot(\alpha\mathbf u -\beta\mathbf v)=\mathbf s\cdot\alpha\mathbf u -\mathbf s\cdot\beta\mathbf v$, but we know $\mathbf s\cdot\mathbf v=0$. While I didn't write it in the clearest possible way, this whole equation is $\mathbf s\cdot\mathbf s = 10$ and then we're expanding $\mathbf s$ twic...
10 months ago
Edit Post #291500 Initial revision 10 months ago
Answer A: How to find a point on a vector equation with another vector equation and perpendicular distance?
What you've done seems fine; you just need to continue to use the information that you have. In particular, that $s^2=10$. This is definitely an example where generalizing makes things more clear and simple. Abstracting from the details and removing unnecessary information makes the computation and l...
10 months ago
Edit Post #291317 Initial revision 11 months ago
Answer A: Is there a $\Delta$-complex structure on the sphere with less than three $0$-simplices?
If it wasn't for the right to left implication of condition 3, you could do this with a single map out of the 0-simplex. If there are 2 or fewer points in the image of a map from $\Delta^0$, then that means at least two vertices of the image of every map out of the 2-simplex must be the same. Sinc...
11 months ago
Edit Post #291255 Post edited:
Had my adjunction backward which made the proof nonsense
11 months ago
Edit Post #291255 Post edited:
Nicer proof by being more categorically inspired
11 months ago
Edit Post #291255 Post undeleted 11 months ago
Edit Post #291255 Post edited:
Correct mistake
11 months ago
Edit Post #291255 Post deleted 11 months ago
Edit Post #291255 Initial revision 11 months ago
Answer A: Prove that $\forall x\in\Bbb R:\lfloor x^2\rfloor-\lfloor rx\rfloor\ge-1\iff|r|\le2$.
This is definitely more complicated than it needs to be. First, we can rewrite the inequality as $$\lfloor x^2 + 1\rfloor \geq \lfloor rx \rfloor$$ Proof 1 (This is the first proof I wrote, but the second one is nicer and takes a more categorical perspective.) $\lfloor x^2 + 1 \rfloor = 1...
11 months ago
Comment Post #290803 I don't understand many of your questions. They are answered in the article itself. For example, "What are the four axioms regarding equality [... a]nd the fourth?" The answer is the four it lists in the body of the article. The paragraph you quote is a summary of the article and is not meant to be s...
about 1 year ago
Comment Post #290727 I used "specification language" to emphasize that FOL is a complete system by itself and to emphasize the distinction between the language in which we are specifying something, i.e. FOL, and the thing being specified, in this case ZFC, or, more precisely, the $\in$ predicate. I call it a "specificati...
about 1 year ago
Comment Post #290727 If you drop the Axiom of Infinity, you're not working in ZFC any longer. The word "rejecting" is a bit ambiguous in this context. It can mean either "not accepting," or it can mean asserting the negation. Not accepting the Axiom of Infinity doesn't mean all sets are finite. It just means can't prove ...
about 1 year ago
Comment Post #290727 FOL is a specification language and quantifiers and logical connectives, including implication, are what you use to write the specification. You introduce predicate symbols, such as $\in$, to give a name for the things you are describing. Equality is usually taken as part of FOL, but you could also t...
about 1 year ago