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Activity for JohnnyJohn‭

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Comment Post #291661 _you need to get over the idea that this is somehow disrespectful_ that is my only or, at least, main concern so I don't see any way we can come to terms. I am deeply saddened by it but it is what it is. I accept which your policies are and decide not to participate anymore. I wish they were differen...
5 months ago
Comment Post #291661 What I consider instrusive (or abusive if you want to call it that) is that post could be edited by people other than the poster. I only suffered it [once]( as far as I know but _fool me twice, shame on me._ I think the LaTeX looks nicer after the edit b...
5 months ago
Comment Post #291660 There are uncountable many ways of fixing problems but not so many of respecting people. If someone doesn't want to adjust his answer, respect it and, if you aren't content with it, write one yourself (as I already said, the most restrictive license is CC BY-SA 4.0), build a feature that lets you wri...
5 months ago
Comment Post #291661 It is your community, you do what you want with it, but I honestly think forcing edits are for the community's detriment. It is supposed to be "community-first" (as can be read everywhere in this site) but if you don't respect the users, how can that be? I think I understand your point: what is im...
5 months ago
Comment Post #291660 I agree, I accepted your edit because it is not intrusive, you only wanted to help and you were right, so I was okay with it. But I wouldn't be happy if you had actually edited it instead of make a request. I made an error? Yes, but it is my error so please let me fix it. If personal expression is ir...
5 months ago
Edit Post #291660 Post edited:
5 months ago
Edit Post #291660 Initial revision 5 months ago
Question Editing other people's post shouldn't be allowed
The way my posts are written is the intended one, if someone edits them without my permission, he is violating my will. I hope it is a bug and people only wanted to propose an edit, not forcing it, but I don't expect it to be the case, honestly and sadly. If my prose is poor, my answer erroneous, or ...
5 months ago
Comment Post #291588 You are right, it isn't well expressed. I'll edit it as soon as I can. Isn't there a way to send a draft instead of a definite answer? I check the answers a hundred times but of course I'm not without my own biases so I almost inevitably miss things. I'll try to proofread better from now on.
5 months ago
Comment Post #291617 I absolutely forgot to check that property. I did now and $\alpha$ is a homomorphism but $\beta$ is not. I'm new to the site, should I delete the answer or should I edit it saying where it's wrong in case the rest of it be of some help for someone?
5 months ago
Edit Post #291617 Initial revision 5 months ago
Answer A: Endomorphisms on an entropic structure whose pointwise product is the identity automorphism - entropic idempotent structure?
$(S,\otimes)$ is not entropic. The following is an example, that is, a counterexample, to the claim of the exercise. $(\mathbb Z3,\odot)$ where $\odot$ is defined as $x\odot y=x+2y$, is entropic: $$\begin{align} (x\odot y)\odot(z\odot w) & = (x+2y)+2(z+2w) \\\\ & = x+2y+2z+4w \\\\ & = (x+2z)+2...
5 months ago
Edit Post #291588 Initial revision 5 months ago
Answer A: Does this construction always give a topological vector space?
Let $F$ be either $R$ or $C$ and $U$ be open in $T$, that is, by definition of $T$, $U$ is open in $Tk$ for every $k$. Since, for every $k$, $(V,Tk)$ is a topological vector space, $+:V\times V\rightarrow V$ and $\cdot:F\times V\rightarrow V$ are continuous with respect to $Tk$. So, for every $k$, $+...
5 months ago
Edit Post #291562 Initial revision 5 months ago
Answer A: Am I taking the antiderivative of |x| correctly?
Am I taking the antiderivative of |x| correctly? That depends on how rigorous you want to be. From a technical point of view, no. How would I take it? The main problem of your argumentation is that you derivate $\left|\cdot\right|$ which isn't differentiable ([S06], pages 142 and 143) . Instead...
5 months ago