#8: Question closed
Peter Taylor
2023-09-20T12:27:27Z (over 1 year ago)
#7: History hidden
(deleted user)
2023-09-20T07:17:04Z (over 1 year ago)
Detailed history before this event is hidden because of a redaction.
While pictorializing $|x - y| < |x + y|$, how can 1 picture simultaneously prove (Reverse) △ Inequalities, $|x-y| ≤ |x|+|y|, |x|-|y| ≤ |x-y|$?
I shall improve [this post](https://math.codidact.com/posts/289496), because
- it overlooked Triangle Inequality, $|x + y| ≤ \color{darkgoldenrod}{|x| + |y|}$. Michael Spivak's *Calculus* (2008 4 edn) proved it on p. 12.
- a distinctive diagram ought spotlight, and stress, that $|x - y|$ **_CAN_** $< |x + y|.$
Ibid, exercise 12, p. 16.
>(iv) ${\color{red}{|x-y|}} ≤ \color{goldenrod}{|x| + |y|}$. (Give a very short proof.)
(v) ${\color{limegreen}{|x|-|y|}} ≤ {\color{red}{|x-y|}}$. (A very short proof is possible, if you write things in the right way).
(vi) $\left|{\color{limegreen}{|x|-|y|}}\right| ≤ |x - y|$ (Why does this follow immediately from (v)?)
**[This (vi) is the Reverse Triangle Inequality, but I deleted Spivak's superfluous set of round brackets.]**
#### In *SOLELY one and same* picture, please prove all 4 inequalities above? Remember to contrast $\vec{x}, \vec{y}$ so that visibly, $|\vec{x} - \vec{y}| < |\vec{x} + \vec{y}|$.
Feel free to use my improvement of [this original](https://math.stackexchange.com/a/774233).