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Activity for CrSb0001‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #291432 Post edited:
forgot +C
5 months ago
Comment Post #291432 Oh shoot I forgot the +C thanks for noticing
5 months ago
Edit Post #291432 Initial revision 5 months ago
Question Am I taking the antiderivative of |x| correctly?
Edit: forgot +C, sorry So I remember seeing this video by Blackpenredpen on the Youtube homepage around 3 months ago where he was showing failed attempts of him trying to figure out how to get$$\int\sqrt{\sin^2(x)} \,dx=\int\left|\sin(x)\right| \, dx=-\cot(x)\left|\sin(x)\right|+c$$without piecewi...
5 months ago
Edit Post #291392 Initial revision 5 months ago
Question How to find perfect squares such that their base 9 representation is all 1s?
I am working on solving all of the problems in from the Macalester College Problems of the Week that are available in this archive, and am currently working on MacPOW 1114: >### Squares of 1 > >Find all perfect squares whose base 9 representation consists of only 1s. Here is my current progress...
5 months ago
Edit Post #291375 Initial revision 6 months ago
Question Is it possible to find a solution for any $ae^{bx}+cx+d=0$?
So I enjoy solving problems of the form$$ae^{bx}+cx+d=0$$$$a,b,c\ne0$$however what I don't particularly enjoy is having to solve that equation every single time I come across it. So what I want to know is: Is there a way to solve every non-algebraically solvable equation of that form? Here is my a...
6 months ago