It's not always easy to draw the line. I read this question just now because it was bumped, and immediately thought of [this question]( It was, at least in part, a question about philosophy of mathematics, but I don't think the asker realised that. Their goal was to understand the context of a paper.
I think most philosophers of mathematics are mathematicians, or at least were mathematicians who moved field (and the boundary between philosophy and mathematical logic is very thin); similarly, historians of mathematics; so probably the main reason for trying to build a separate community would be not to annoy mathematicans who aren't interested in the philosophical or historical aspects. But mathematics is already such a wide field that most people are interested in specific subareas rather than the field as a whole.
Taking those two points together, I'm not convinced that categories are necessary or even particularly valuable. I think that tags for history-of-mathematics and philosophy-of-mathematics are sufficient.