[Daily Keno](https://www.olg.ca/en/lottery/play-daily-keno-encore/about.html) lets you
>- [Pick your numbers from 1 – 70](https://www.olg.ca/en/lottery/play-daily-keno-encore/about.html)
>- [Match your numbers to the 20 drawn to win up to $2,500,000](https://www.olg.ca/en/lottery/play-daily-keno-encore/about.html)
### Does Pr (probability) of winning jackpot differ between
#### 1. picking 20 different #s, for the same draw
#### vs.
#### 2. picking 10 different #s, for 2 different draws ?
Intuitively, purchase 1 results in a low Pr(winning jackpot). Why? In 1 ― you picked $\color{yellowgreen}{20}$ different integers for one draw. To win, your picked $\color{red}{20}$ numbers must match OLG’s drawn 20 numbers. Thus, this one draw has $\color{red}{20} – \color{yellowgreen}{20} = \color{DarkTurquoise}{0}$ degrees of freedom.
In 2 ― you picked $\color{yellowgreen}{10}$ different integers for 2 draws. Thus, each of your 2 draws has $\color{red}{20} – \color{yellowgreen}{10} = \color{DarkTurquoise}{10}$ degrees of freedom.
Doubtless, $\color{DarkTurquoise}{0 < 10}$. Thus, 2 has higher Pr(winning jackpot). ***Please correct my intuition. I DON’T want proof or formality! Please explain at my 18 year old level.***