Comments on Intuitively, why can $a, b$ cycle in ${\color{red}{b}} = \frac c{\color{red}{a}} \iff {\color{red}{a}} = \frac c{\color{red}{b}}$?
Intuitively, why can $a, b$ cycle in ${\color{red}{b}} = \frac c{\color{red}{a}} \iff {\color{red}{a}} = \frac c{\color{red}{b}}$?
I'm NOT asking about algebra behind $ab = c \iff {\color{red}{b}} = \frac c{\color{red}{a}} \iff {\color{red}{a}} = \frac c{\color{red}{b}}.$
Rather, what's the intuition why $\color{red}{a, b}$ can swap places, whilst c remains in the numerator?
What's this phenomenon or behavior called? A cyclic permutation?
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